
Flyer Survey

Research Study Description

Study Name: Emotional Reactions to Death

Compensation: $40 for the in-lab portion and $25 for the follow-up

Duration: 90 minutes for the in-lab portion (in University Hall) and 30 minutes for a follow-up (completed online)

Abstract: You will complete a series of questionnaires, watch an immersive video using a virtual reality headset, and have your physiological responses to the videos assessed. 4-months later, you will be contacted to complete another set of questionnaires.

Description: You will be asked to complete a series of questionnaires. The questionnaires will have questions about your emotions, experiences with suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and interpersonal relationships. Some questions could bring up some emotional distress. You will watch an immersive video with death-related content (e.g., cemetery). While doing this, we will also measure signals from your body, such as your heart rate and perspiration. The first part of the research study will take place in a research lab in University Hall and will take approximately 90 minutes to complete. You will be reimbursed with a $40 gift card for completing the in-lab portion of the study. You will also have the option to be contacted 4-months later by email to complete a brief (30-minute) questionnaire packet. You would be reimbursed with a $25 gift card for completing the follow-up assessment.
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